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Monday, January 10, 2011


Pictures will be added when I am caught up!

We got to anchorage at about 8:00pm local time.  This is 11:00 Midwest time. We waited for our bags at baggage claim and then hopped onto a shuttle to the hotel.  By the time we got all settled in it was midnight Midwest time.  So we said "Happy New Year" and went to bed.  So exciting I know.

The next day however we went to downtown Anchorage.  The adventure started dark because the sun didn't rise until 10:30 or so. The place seemed like a ghost town all the touristy stuff was closed the season.  We went to the mall and we went to see the ice sculptures. It was a good time.  The really cool thing about Anchorage is it is completely surrounded by mountains until you get to the harbor.  It is so beautiful.

I had my first experience with a raven in Anchorage.  Ravens look like crows and we are all used to crows.  Well ravens are 3x the size of our crows.  They are disgustingly HUGE!

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